5 Shakespeare Audition Speeches for Young Women

Whether it’s for a drama school audition, college audition or using a shakespeare speech for a professional audition, having a cracking Shakespeare audition monologue is vital. 

In today’s blog, I suggest a FIVE Shakespeare monologues that young women can do from Shakespeare.

Now the reason that I’ve put them here, is that I don’t trust those Shakespeare Monologue books, I’ve got them all, and I’ve read them, and I like them, but they’re full of monologues that aren’ tactually monologues.  They’re full of monologues that are slight edits, fat parts of dialogue with the other person’s lines missed out.

That’s not a monologue. It is dialogue which is lacking the dramatic structure of a monologue.

These monologues are actually monologues and I’ve provided links to them, so you don’t even need to google them:


ONE: LADY PERCY - Henry IV Part 2 – Act II, Sc 3. Oh yet, for God’s sake.


TWO: HELENA - Alls Well That Ends Well- Act II, Sc 3.Then I confess…


THREE: IMOGEN - Cymberline – Act III, Sc 4. Why, I must die…


FOUR: EMILIA - Othello - Act IV, Sc. 3. But I do think it is their faults


FIVE:  JULIA – Two Gentlemen of Verona – Act IV, Sc. 4.How many women?


I hope this stops all the young women just doing Viola’s ‘Left No Ring with Her’ speech…

For more help, I've written a Guide to Drama School Auditions that's free to download. Perhaps you'll find it useful. 

W’ve got an eBook to help you to tackle Shakespeare Monologues for Drama School Auditions. Find out more

One More Thing!
We’ve literally helped hundreds of students beat the odds and get into top drama schools all over the world. Studio Principal Nick J Field has come up with a winning formula for Monologue Audtions - email us to get 20% off a Drama School Audition Coaching bundle.

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The Myth of Success


5 Shakespeare Audition Monologues for Young Men